The Effects Of Perfectionism On Mental And Physical Health

Perfectionism is defined as striving for excellence or flawlessness. It involves comparing oneself to others, expecting too much, being overly critical of oneself, and having high standards. According to the Centre for Clinical Interventions, perfectionism is a psychological disorder characterised by excessive concern over making mistakes and being criticised. People who suffer from perfectionism tend to worry excessively about their performance and strive to achieve goals that they believe are unattainable.


“People who suffer from perfectionism experience negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, shame, and low self-esteem. They also tend to procrastinate, overeat, drink alcohol excessively, and engage in risky behaviours,” says Layla Colling of Healthhero – Australia’s largest and fastest-growing health information website.


This way of thinking has a wide range of implications. It could have an impact on both your physical and mental well-being. Here are some of the effects of perfectionism on our psychological and physical health:


1. Higher Vulnerability

You put a lot of strain on yourself if you are a perfectionist. Alternatively, you feel pressure from other people, society, or even social media. These factors combine, which can be very stressful. A perfectionist can be more prone to additional issues when under excessive stress.


2. Depression And Anxiety

Anxiety and despair can be brought about by perfectionism. When you don’t meet the high standards you set for yourself, worry, anxiety, and depression can all build up. The term “emotional perfectionist” refers to persons who conceal their depressive and anxious feelings. Talking to a therapist can prevent the build-up of anxiety and depression, it can also help you develop some awareness and coping skills.


3. Physical Illness Issues

Perfectionists may struggle with their hygiene and health. You could experience an eating disorder like Orthorexia Nervosa if the issue is severe enough, in which case you would experience pressure to adhere to a rigid, ideal diet. You might have felt like you were spiralling if you had missed your diet one day. Your fixation with having exact control over your life may be an OCD symptom. Perceived power and control is often at the centre of perfectionism. Other mental health disorders may develop when you lose such control.


4. Strained Relationships

Relationship problems with family or friends are another effect of perfectionism, especially if you hold them to high expectations. Your relationships may suffer as a result of the increased stress and strain. However, through relationship counselling, it may be fixed and restored.



Look After Your Well-Being With Meta Minds Therapy

Meta Minds Therapy offers convenient counselling on your terms, including online and after-hours visits. As a result, your therapy can be tailored to meet your needs. From the comfort of your own home, master your mindset! You can choose various counselling services at Meta Minds Therapy, including a FREE 20-minute counselling consultation.


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Article written by: Jackson Evison.